Wednesday, February 10, 2010

believe it or not..NOT Ripleys..

Sometimes i think, WHERE the hell do i find this stuff?!

Warning: The following might bewilder, amuse, disgust and leaving you thinking...No frikkin Way!

Everyones favorite feminist, through the times, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. Its a legendary tale thats been passed along for decades, and popular belief states that they convicted her of heresay, becuase they had nothing on her.
NOT REALLY. i read somewhere that the prosecutor tried very hard to get her on heresay..but he had nothing, then he asked her is she ever dressed like a man, while in battle..and without thinking she said yes-didnt really want to lie..and that got her slapped with the death penalty for, dig this..TRANSVESTISM..haha it was against God's law, and hence she was convicted and burned to death.

In 2006 at different london underground stations(i forget which ones) people gathered with their ipods/mp3's and at a certain time started dancing to their own tunes..this is popularly known as a Flash Mob. Its when a large group of people get together suddenly and perform a random act together..and then disperse.

Dolphins everyones friendly fishies..NOT REALLY!
There are certain species of Dolphin that are quite ill-tempered. Some even kill their own young..for resoms beyond us! People say Dolphins are most like humans(besides the apes monkeys blah) they 'do it' for pleasure, not just coz its the natural thing to do..they have anger management issues, and are even more curious then most animals, which lands them into crap-loads of trouble(remind us of something)
Heres when it gets proper weird..aparently some dolphins are SO curious that they have tried to mate with people wandering by in the water! I know..right!!!! like WHAT?
dont believe me? (
- its also on wiki but i though this has more of an
what im thinking here is..Firstly, why havnt they made a move on crazy-horny-psycho-dolphins..they keep showing happy flipper shit that gives people the idea that theyr friendly and then they get attacked. Secondly, am i the only one whos wondering just HOW much like the humans these dolphins really are..sick!

Do any of you know why Red wine is red and White wine is white? popular belief is that red wine comes from red grapes, and white comes from white grapes..NOT REALLY!
Some of the best white wine is actually made from red grapes. The answer my good people lies in the skin of the grape..the colour in wine(red) comes from the skin of the grape whereas, white wine is made from just teh grape pulp.

'nuff said.. now go digest!


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