Monday, February 22, 2010

NASA-not just our friendly moon-man-makers!

Contrary to the generalized ideas about what NASA really is, mostly generalized by the stero-type shown in movies like Armaggeddon..NASA doesnt only make rockets, moon-men and giant space suits that do not show off your body curves at all..

They've come up with a number of inventions that we use joke!

-Invisible braces..okay maybe we dont use them everyday, but tom cruise did :)

the same material is used to coat the antennae of the heat seeking missiles-no joke!

-Scratch Resistant Eyeglasses..the plastic coating used on them was developed by NASA for coating the astraunauts helmet screen and other appliances in the rockets.

-Ear thermometer..Thankgod..because the thought of the butt one, and the under armpit one is just gross, and i always HATE the mouth one, mostly because being told NOT to talk for over a minute just bugs me, because i mostly Always have to say something in that minute and a half.
Oh plus this ear thermometer is faster, more convinient and perfect for hospitals with lots of patients(hygenically-i guess-no spit transmitted diseases)

-ShoeInsoles..sooo basically, Micheal Jordon and Neil Armstrong both wore the same insoles for their shoes..the inspiration for athletic shoe soles originiated from the moon-boots.

-Long Distance Communication..duhh! who invented Satellites, that sent signals back and forth accross the world, and then computers, and then long distance phone calls, which lead to rates as low as 2Rs. a min to call Us Canada Austraqlia..hahah

-Cordless Tools..Black and Decker were the first to invent battery operated tools, but NASA refined those tools made them lighter and better looking. Also the wireless vaccum cleaners we use today, are the ones they use on the moon, collecting moon rocks.

-Smoke detectors
-Water filters
-Memory Foam
(and many more)

Pretty cool haan!

BUT i must clarify..i had heard NASA invented TANG the great tangy drink that comes in different flavours..but when i googled it..wasnt there.
Its actually a myth..

Tang MYTH: Tang was invented in 1957 by General mills, but in 1962 NASA used it as an experiment for the different foods that could be taken and consumed up in space, and ever since then tang has been linked to NASA and outer space activities..i love tang, but i wouldnt/couldnt drink it ALL the time up there..coke on the other hand, i could live on!

..Mushaboom :)

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