Monday, February 22, 2010


I came across something very interesting, and as usual, i assumed that not alot of other people out there would know about it either (since i believe the world revolves around me, and what i do, they do-hahah no im kidding)

Blaxploitation: Film genre originating from the U.S in the 70's when many exploitation films were made to target an audience of Urban Black people. (wiki)

Basically in other words, its movies, tv shows, etc. racist-ly, purely based on all things African American-black. But see its not racist since, its black people acting like black people, directed by black people, about the culture of black people...makes sense!
i mean if other people can make movies/tv shows based on their own popular culture, then why cant black people..and considering, in the last 10-20 years(or more) black culture is the coolest of cool's of all i right?
Its litrally embedded itself into all the other,music, vandalism(i know thats not cultural(doesnt define a society) but its also in a very racist generalization attached directly to the african americans)

Starting in 1965, with movies like,
Guess whose coming to dinner, Sidney Poitier paved the road for African Americans penetrating the predominantly white culture in movies, and sending a message that the black and white cultures CAN Cross paths.
This helped open doors that let other Black actors, composers, musicians come out and work side by side with the white culture, bringing with them their own touch of the GREAT talent AND a new age of movies and music with strong 'Political meaning'. Other artists like
Funkadelic, James brown, Sly's multiracial Family Stone, etc. all composed music with serious political messages and the RnB charts popularity showed that the people liked it.

Then by the 1970's Other famous Black talent emerged, with
Bill Cosby, Richard Pryo, Aretha Franklin, Gladys Knight, etc. Movies which proved predominantly focussing on the Black Culture, featuring soundtracks of Funk, Soul, Rap, etc. and starring mostly Black actors, target marketing to a black audience were soon made commercial. The subject matter in these movies, was of interest to the Black people, portraying their African American culture..

..BUT as usual, since human beings tend to be so judgemental and sensitive, such films were accused of stereo typing the black population, especially with content of
pimps, drugs, dealers, etc.
Speaking of pimps, drugs and BIG hair, if you havnt ever come across any blaxploitation movie-firstly kill yourself secondly here are some suggestions, of the kinds you can watch.. (mostly funny, i put an asterix next to the REALLY good ones)
Foxy Brown
Pootie Tang *
UnderCover Brother *
Dr. Black and MR. Hyde
Blacula (dont laugh-its actually a movie, i googled it)
You want the serious stuff, watch Hero Ain't nothing but a Sandwich, (a movie about a 13 year olds drug addiction and how his mother and her boyfriend help him fight it)

..TO Be Continued*

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